o início... The Beginning...
A Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular de Malden foi iniciada em Somerville, em outubro de 1989. Nessa ocasião o Rev. Dale Downs estava de férias de seu trabalho missionário no Brasil e pôde começar algo que estava em seu coração há algum tempo: abrir uma igreja Quadrangular de língua portuguesa na região da grande Boston. Juntamente com ele estava o Pastor Manoel Martins, de Manaus. O primeiro culto foi realizado no dia 15 de outubro (data da fundação da igreja), e a igreja se reunia à 89 College Avenue, na cidade de Somerville, Massachusetts.
Malden Foursquare Church was started in Somerville in October 1989. At that time Rev. Dale Downs was on vacation from his missionary work in Brazil and was able to start something that had been on his heart for some time: opening a Portuguese-speaking Foursquare church in the greater Boston area. Along with him was Pastor Manoel Martins, from Manaus. The first service was held on October 15 (the church's founding date), and the church met at 89 College Avenue in Somerville, Massachusetts.
Malden Foursquare Church was started in Somerville in October 1989. At that time Rev. Dale Downs was on vacation from his missionary work in Brazil and was able to start something that had been on his heart for some time: opening a Portuguese-speaking Foursquare church in the greater Boston area. Along with him was Pastor Manoel Martins, from Manaus. The first service was held on October 15 (the church's founding date), and the church met at 89 College Avenue in Somerville, Massachusetts.
AMPLIANDO A VISÃO... Expanding the vision...
Após a mudança para a cidade de Malden, a igreja experimentou um crescimento lento porém constante. De 2003 até agora a IEQ Malden, tornou-se uma igreja multiplicadora pois enviou pastores com suas famílias para igrejas em Plymouth, enviou pessoas para a igreja em Lynn, e também gerou quatro igrejas-filhas, Allston, Everett, Framingham, e Peabody.
After moving to the city of Malden, the church experienced slow but steady growth. From 2003 until now, IEQ Malden became a multiplying church as it sent pastors and families to churches in Plymouth, Lynn, and birthed four daughter churches, Allston, Everett, Framingham, and Peabody.
After moving to the city of Malden, the church experienced slow but steady growth. From 2003 until now, IEQ Malden became a multiplying church as it sent pastors and families to churches in Plymouth, Lynn, and birthed four daughter churches, Allston, Everett, Framingham, and Peabody.
E AgORA... And NOW....
Em abril de 2020, após servir como pastor titular da Igreja Quadrangular de Malden por mais de 30 anos, os Rev. Cairo e Iracy Marques aposentaram-se, e os Revs. John e Eliana Runyon foram nomeados e assumiram o ministério como pastores titulares da igreja.
O futuro a Deus pertence, e nós temos fé. A igreja continua crescendo e brevemente este templo ficará pequeno para acomodar todo o povo que se reúne aqui para glorificar e exaltar ao Senhor. Cremos que muitas outras igrejas serão plantadas a partir daqui e que muitos, de várias línguas, nacionalidades e culturas, serão alcançados pelo Evangelho pleno e transformador de Jesus Cristo, nosso Salvador, Médico Divino, Batizador no Espírito Santo, e Rei que em breve voltará!
In April 2020, after serving as senior pastor of Malden Foursquare Church for over 30 years, the Rev. Cairo and Iracy Marques retired, and the Revs. John and Eliana Runyon were appointed as senior pastors of the church.
The future belongs to God, and we have faith. The church continues to grow and soon this building will be too small to accommodate all the people who gather to glorify and exalt the Lord. We believe that many more churches will be planted out of Malden and that many people of various languages, nationalities and cultures, will be reached by the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is our Savior, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and soon and coming King!
O futuro a Deus pertence, e nós temos fé. A igreja continua crescendo e brevemente este templo ficará pequeno para acomodar todo o povo que se reúne aqui para glorificar e exaltar ao Senhor. Cremos que muitas outras igrejas serão plantadas a partir daqui e que muitos, de várias línguas, nacionalidades e culturas, serão alcançados pelo Evangelho pleno e transformador de Jesus Cristo, nosso Salvador, Médico Divino, Batizador no Espírito Santo, e Rei que em breve voltará!
In April 2020, after serving as senior pastor of Malden Foursquare Church for over 30 years, the Rev. Cairo and Iracy Marques retired, and the Revs. John and Eliana Runyon were appointed as senior pastors of the church.
The future belongs to God, and we have faith. The church continues to grow and soon this building will be too small to accommodate all the people who gather to glorify and exalt the Lord. We believe that many more churches will be planted out of Malden and that many people of various languages, nationalities and cultures, will be reached by the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is our Savior, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and soon and coming King!
FAÇA PARTE DA NOSSA HISTÓRIA... Be a part of our story...
Congrega conosco! Nossos cultos ocorrem todos os domingos, às 10h.
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 10:00 am.
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 10:00 am.